Monday 26 January, 2009

Oh My God!

Happy 2009 !!! God .. I dont believe its over a year since I updated my last blog. In my last post, I had stated that its my new year resolution to update the blog regularly. Hehe... Sadly, the year 2008 has run off and 2009 has succeeded it. But hell, 2008 has been a great eventful year for me. I witnessed a change of job, a change of place, and a complete change of atmosphere. Oh wow! This change was refreshing.

Regarding the job change, I left Element K and joined Infosys as Instructional Designer. This also led to a change in place as I had to join the office in Pune. Hectic preparations were made for my departure. I missed being at EK, and being with my lovely friends there. The first two weeks at Pune were quite lonely for me, away from parents, away from loved ones. Then, I was assigned a project in Hyderabad, and I moved to Hyderabad. Slowly, I got accustomed to my team, and Hyderabad. In fact, I fell in love with Hyderabad, the details of which I will give in my next post.

The new year has begun. I started my new year in Hyderabad. Whooppee! But, it had a sad beginning when my grandma passed away on Jan 8th.

Still, lots have happened, lots more to come. Awaiting the rest of the year with eagerness!