Sunday 16 December, 2007

The Witch of a Woman !!

The other day, an interesting and amusing incident happened on my way to office. An old woman got into the bus. Now, you may wonder whats so interesting about an old woman getting into the bus. Wait Wait!!
Let me first start with describing the woman. She must be sixtyish, with salt and pepper hair. She was around 4.5 feet tall, and was hunched over (carrying the weight of the world???), had a pointed face and a huge mole on her face.
Of course, you may think its wrong to comment on anybody's physical appearance. But, I wouldn't have commented on her witch-like appearance had her behavior and attitude been pleasant.
She let out a banshee wail the moment she got into the crowded bus. She lamented that she was feeling giddy and nauseous and needed to sit. People asked her to sit on the floor of the bus until the giddiness went away. She did sit down but immediately started wailing that the young women (translated as 'we' sitting on the seats) are heartless and do not give way for old people. One gentleman sitting in the conductor's seat offered to get up so that the old woman could sit. But the lady refused to sit there saying that the conductor will shoo her off (a mosquito???) ..
By this time, the people in the bus were tired of her and what little sympathy was there for her earlier vanished.
When the old woman realized that people weren't paying any attention to her, she turned aggressive. She demanded that the lady sitting next to me in the bus get up and allow her to sit. When her demand fell to deaf ears, she pulled that lady's arm and demanded she get up immediately. When that did not work, she got up and almost sat on the lady forcing her to get up.
All of us were disgusted by this little performance in the bus. The old lady immediately tried to strike up a conversation with me (Poor me ... booo hoooo!!!) in the bus. I promptly and steadfastly looked the other way.
OOohhhh !!! Some people !!!!!!!


Aswin Kini said...

Some people never learn, and deserve to be treated accordingly. They say appearances may be deceptive, but in the case of that old lady, i guess it turned out to be right!!!!

Karkuzhali said...

Hey...that's one disgusting experience....and what color saree was this old lady wearing?...not purple....i hope.....! ;-0

Suhas.P.S said...

Am sure the old woman would have haunted you for the best part of your week in your dreams...there are many such ugly, mean hags running or crawling on the streets...we just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope we don't bump into them...