Sunday 2 September, 2007

Fear the Lord????

"The Lord pitieth them that fear Him"
- This quotation from the Bible on the display board of a prayer hall caught my eye as I was passing it the other day. Since, I do not have in-depth knowldege of the Bible, I do not know the real meaning of this quotation.
But, it hit me as strange that we should fear God. For me, God is someone l love rather than fear. God is like a parent who loves and cherishes me, His daughter.
How can you be happy if your fear your Father? You must not fear Him, but fear making Him unhappy. God is unhappy when we sin or go wrong.
We have also heard many parents threatening their children with fear of God. "Sonna pechu kekalenna Saami kannu kutthidum" (If you don't listen to me, God will pluck your eyes out)
Grotesque! Why would God do that to a baby??
So, I do not fear God. I fear making Him unhappy. Thats why I try to be a good person.
Then He shall be happy to have me with Him when I transcend over to His world.
Love God. Dont fear Him!


Anonymous said...

hi dear,
nly 2day saw ur blog n ur posts..nice:-)
i njoyed reading them..

Savitha kiran said...

Hi all its very true Live eg : My husband went to this temple and while coming back His parents got call from a marriage assembler regarding Proposal , with in 3 days from the day visited this Temple our engagement was Fixed and we got married and we are having a happy family life ....