Sunday 2 September, 2007

A short rest !!

After a long route from Thirunallar to Mayavaram, we very totally tired out. Also, our stomachs were full of prasad and Orange juice. So, we were not really in a mood to eat anything. Still, we went to a hotel that way very crowded even at 3 pm.
After a small wait, we managed to get a table. I ordered parota and subji, which appeared almost immediately. We cruised through our food and finished it off with a steaming cup of hot coffee.
Suddenly there was a commotion at the hotel. The huge crowd at the hotel got into the nerves of the manager. He lost his patience and started screaming at one of the customers.
We finished our food and quietly went out of the hotel.
Our room in the lodge was a welcome retreat for us. I washed my feet and plopped on the bed. I was bushed. But, I was not to sleep, because we had to leave at 4 pm.
My uncle came into the room that I shared with my mother, and kept us laughing with amusing anecdotes. That was fun, as it drove my sleep away.
At 4, we got ready again and proceeded to a second round of ceaseless travel.

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