Monday 14 May, 2007

Addictive addiction !!!

The first image that comes to one's mind at the mention of the word 'ADDICTION' is that of a man addicted to liqour or drugs.
But, liqour, cigarettes, and drugs are not the only things that man gets addicted to. These are all material addictions.
More than these material addictions, man also gets addicted to love, care, affection, hugs, and kisses.
Someone I know is addicted to love and care. She is very close to a guy and is addicted to his affection, care, warmth, and hugs. Suddenly one day, the guy tells her to stop everything because he feels he is being unfaithful to his girlfriend. This girl is shattered. She loves the guy as her close friend and wants to feel good by being close to him. She misses his warmth, love, and affection, but does not want to intrude into his love life either. It is heart rending to see her go crazy everyday. It will take her a long time to come out of it. Till then, she can do nothing but fret and frustrate herself over it.
So I find that it is quite easy to get addicted to love and affection. Once you get addicted to it, it is very difficult to pull yourself out of it.
Atleast there are rehabilitation centres for material addictions like alcohol and drugs. But, there are no rehabilitation programmes for emotional addictions.
I guess only TIME and PRAYER can help !!!!


Amit said...

Hey... Brilliant! Now I can see that you can really become a very able journalist. And if I am not mistaken, u have posted the same topic that u told me about yesterday, right??

Anonymous said...

gud one fechee :P